
Feeling Trapped?

clouds over the mountains during daytime

By Marianne Clyde

No one likes to feel trapped, confined, stuck without choices. Think for a minute how that feels.

We’ve probably all felt that way one time or another. Or many times.

Perhaps you are feeling that way now: in an unsatisfying relationship; in a dead end job; financially with more bills at the end of the month than money.

Did you know that you actually have control of all that?

If you are sitting there thinking, “WHAT? If I had control, I wouldn’t be stuck.”

Well, sometimes, our thinking keeps us stuck and we are not even aware of it.

Maybe it’s time to examine your beliefs about relationships, employment, careers, money, life situations, circumstances and whatever else makes you feel stuck and angry and helpless.

What are you focusing on in your relationship? How that person drives you nuts? How irritating or controlling they are?

What are you focusing on about your job? It’s a dead end job? I can’t get anywhere with such a crappy boss? He/she never listens to me?

What are you focusing on about money? Is there never enough? Rich people are selfish and self absorbed or dishonest? Making money is difficult?

If you examine your thoughts about what is keeping you stuck and you see that the above statements feel pretty familiar, you might just have discovered the problem. What you focus on increases. Like attracts like. If you are thinking thoughts like that, then you are attracting exactly what you are thinking of.

I don’t know about you, but I think freedom and joy and abundance feels so much better than that. Even as I’m writing this, just writing those words felt like a breath of fresh air entered my body.

“Well, those statements are true, you say.”

And I say, they might be what you are observing, but that doesn’t necessarily make them true. Far from it. What makes them true in your life is that you believe them.

And you can actually change them today. Starting right now!

Action Step: Begin asking yourself some disrupting questions. What if I wasn’t stuck? What would that feel like? What if my partner had some good qualities that I really appreciate, what would they be? What if I could make as much money as I want? How would I go about doing that? What opportunities for growth and/or learning do I see in my current position? Write these answers down and start feeling the emotions that go with those answers and you are on your way. If you need help, send me an email at marianne@isntsheamazing.com and see how we can work through it all together.

Post tags: Empowerment | Gratitude