
Secret to a Happy Life

white heart key chain

By Marianne Clyde

Do you ever wonder what is the most important thing you can do to have a happy life?

It’s actually pretty simple.

Easy? Maybe not so much.

It’s this. Learn to accept total responsibility for everything in your life. Of course things happen that you don’t expect. Of course people can act in a way that’s not optimal. Of course there are circumstances beyond your immediate control.

Some of those things you can’t control. But here are some things you can:

Stop blaming others for anything.

Stop blaming the weather.

Stop taking things personally. No matter how personal it feels. Other people are on their own journey, learning their own lessons, creating their own reality. You don’t have to buy into their opinion, their interpretation, even their emotions.

Like I said earlier…not always easy. But absolutely doable.

If you want to be happy. If you want a joy-filled life. Stop giving that responsibility to someone else.

NO one cares as much as you do about how you feel. No one. They are not capable. Not because they don’t try but because the most important thing to everyone is themselves and if you don’t take full responsibility for YOU. How you feel, what you think, what you do, you are automatically handing it over to others.

Take it back. Today.

Action Step: Start paying attention to how you are feeling when you are talking to someone. Would you label it good or bad? Positive or negative? If you feel uncomfortable, unhappy, angry, irritated, intimidated, jealous, or any other negative emotion, know that you are out of your “flow.” Yes, take a few seconds or minutes to figure out what’s going on for you, but rather than marinate in that negative feeling, immediate determine that you’d like to feel happier and do something that enable you to feel comfortable, satisfied, rested, comforted, refreshed, invigorated, at peace. Things like: take a walk, pet your dog or cat, take a hot bath or a nap. Take a walk outside, cuddle up in a comfortable chair and read, meditate, or exercise…anything that helps you relax to help you get back into your “flow.” If you need help figuring that out, send me an email to see if we’d work well together in a coaching environment: marianne@isntsheamazing.com