
Determined to Rise

By Marianne Clyde

When women come together and discuss how to be empowered in any area, there is an energy that feels vibrant and stimulating and strong! We felt this energy at our recent Supernova Summit. A room full of empowered women creates contagious energy that has ripples around the world.

There are a lot of reasons to do what we can to empower each other. These are a few that we think are important.

  • Equality: Empowerment helps a woman achieve equality in any aspect of life that she focuses on, including education, employment, and social status. It allows her to have the opportunity and confidence to speak up and let her voice be heard.
  • Self-Confidence: Boosting a woman’s self-confidence and self-esteem, enables them to pursue their goals and dreams without being limited by societal expectations or stereotypes.
  • Financial Independence: Financially independent women, who feel empowered, have reduced stress and stronger mental health. Their dependence on others is decreased as they learn to increase their ability to support themselves and their families.
  • Health and Well-being: Women who feel empowered are more likely to prioritize their health and well-being, leading to better physical and mental health for themselves and their families.
  • Social Change: Women can drive social change in any area they see the need to challenge what they consider to be unfair or discriminatory practices around the world as well as in their own back yard.

My partner, Lorna, reminds us that “Until the passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, women in the U.S. often needed their husband’s signature to open a bank account.  It’s astonishing to think this was only 50 years ago! ”

If  you want something changed, it’s time to stop looking around wondering who’s going to “fix it.” Look in the mirror. It’s YOU!

Action Step: Take a few moments to look around you and see what it is that you wish someone would change. Then ask yourself, “What can I do about that?” Then take the first step. You are a woman of impact. If I can help coach you in your journey, just send me a message at marianne@isntsheamazing.com


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