
How to Be Your Own Hero

by Marianne Clyde

I’m not going to lie. There are times when I wish someone would show up at my door and say, “I know it’s hard. Here’s chocolate, coffee and five million dollars.” Ever have those days when you just wish some white knight would ride in on a white stallion and swoop you up and fix everything?

Have you ever wished someone understood you so completely that they knew exactly what you needed, what you wanted, and had the wherewithal to provide that?

So often we spend all of our time and energy looking all around us for someone to take care of us. Or for some set of circumstances to change. We are looking for our knight in shining armor, a savior.

When you stop looking for love in all the wrong places and begin to understand that there is no savior coming, no white knight, you discover that she is already here.

She’s YOU. You have everything you need inside of you to make your life better, happier, more fulfilling, your relationships more authentic, and increase your bank account.

You need to learn how to be your own hero.

I know it’s hard. If you are not currently in the habit of talking kindly to yourself, start this moment. Learn to validate yourself. Of course you’re angry, you have every right to be angry, hurt, betrayed, scared. Acknowledge your feelings, and validate that they are normal. But don’t stay there. Don’t wallow in them. Don’t let them ruin your day, week, or life. 

Tell yourself you love you.  Yes, of all the people that you need to love you, YOU are the most important and necessary. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t really, unconditionally, love anyone else. In some capacity you will criticize them and be hard on them like you are hard on yourself. Even unintentionally, simply because it’s become a habit. Be kind to everyone, but first and foremost, YOU.

 Here’s some chocolate and coffee: What is it you need to make you happy right in this moment? Do you give yourself little treats or do you deny yourself constantly because you think you don’t deserve it for one reason or another…or maybe you just don’t take the time. Chocolate, bubble bath, time alone, read a book, take a walk, get together with friends. Nurture yourself. 

I like to keep a list of things that make me happy, so when I get in a funk and can’t think of anything, I can pick something from my list. Simple things: pet my dogs, go outside and take a breath of fresh air, buy myself flowers, take myself out to lunch, have a cup of tea, see my kids and grandkids, if they are not close by I can look at photos; I can even take a break and watch a funny show, or take a nap or listen to meditation music. Treat yourself like you really DO love you!

And here’s 5 million dollars: You have dreams and goals that you think will make your life better. That’s awesome. You are a co-creator. YOU create the life you want. No one else can or will do it for you. Don’t let your dreams and goals just hang in the air like some pipe dream that will never happen. Of course it won’t happen if you just dream about  it and talk about it, but never really expect it to materialize. 

Your thoughts and feelings are powerful and even more powerful when they have a plan behind them. I’m here to tell you that there is nothing beyond your reach if you are willing to focus your thoughts, your energy, your emotions and your actions. Believe in yourself, even if you think no one else does. Believe in your dreams and their ability to come true. You are created to create, to expand and grow. You have the spirit of your creator inside of you and everything that he is, you are. 

Unfortunately, over the years, we are conditioned to fit in, follow the rules, and not make waves. That of course is just so that everyone around you can be comfortable. But, the truth is, you were not created to fit in, to keep quiet and to not make waves. You were created to shine, to inspire others with your ideas and your growth and adventures and successes. It’s time for you to put on your hero’s cape and fly!

Action Step: Sometimes new goals and dreams can be intimidating. What if your plans don’t work, what if you fail, what if….? So what, if you reach for the stars and only get as far as the moon, you are growing and expanding and inspiring others. It really helps to have a coach or a mentor. So if you find that following your dreams is difficult by yourself…I’m here for you. Schedule a free call.

But start here, always. Be kind and loving to yourself. Always. When you are happy, you attract good things. A good place to start.




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